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Calculate Cube of a Number in C, C++

Write a C, C++  program to calculate cube of a number. How to find the cube of a number using  C, C++ program .  It's a basic programming question in which a number is input by a user and our program calculate it's cube.

How to Calculate Cube of a Number

Suppose a user has entered 5.  Cube of 5 is : 5 * 5 * 5  (125) . Similarly, We can calculate cube of any number by multiplying the same number three times.

Find cube root of a number.

Calculate square of a number.

C,C++ Interview Questions.

C Program to Calculate Cube of a Number


int main() {

   int num,cube;
   printf("Enter number \n");
   /* Cube is calculated. */

   cube = num * num * num;
   printf("Cube of a number is %d",cube);
   return 0;

C Program to Find Cube of a Number using Function


int calculateCube(int num){
 /* Cube is calculated and return. */

   return num * num *num;

int main() {

   int num,cube;
   printf("Enter number \n");

   /* Cube function is called. */
   cube = calculateCube(num);
   printf("Cube of a number is %d",cube);
   return 0;

C++ Program to Calculate Cube of a Number


using namespace std;

int main() {

   int num, cube;
   cout << "Enter number \n";
   cin >> num;
   /* Cube calculation. */
   cube = num * num * num;
   cout << "Cube of a number is" << cube;

   return 0;



Enter number : 5

Cube of a number is : 125


In this program, We are taking a number as an input from a user then the cube of a number is calculated.

Basic programming questions for practice


  1. Good you share this steps on how to find the cube of number by c++ programming language.

  2. how to insert our program in any machine?please reply if any one knows.

  3. Error --int main (( {
    It should be int main()

  4. program not applicable for n=100

    1. Instead of int data type, You can use long int. As cube of 100 exceeded than int datatype limit.
