Write a program to calculate area of a circle. To calculate the area of a circle use the Mathematical formula define below.
Area of Circle is : π × r2
Where r is the radius of the circle and the value of PI is 3.14 (22/7).
Let's say someone input the value of radius of circle (r) is 3.
Area of circle is : 3.14 * 3 * 3
C Program to Calculate Simple Interest.
Print factors of a number.
Enter radius of a circle: 3
Area of circle is : 28.260001
Area of Circle is : π × r2
Where r is the radius of the circle and the value of PI is 3.14 (22/7).
Let's say someone input the value of radius of circle (r) is 3.
Area of circle is : 3.14 * 3 * 3
C Program to Calculate Simple Interest.
Print factors of a number.
Program to Calculate Area of Circle
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int radius; /* Declare PI and area as float datatype. */ float PI=3.14,area; /* Take radius of a circle as a input from user. */ printf("\n Enter radius of a circle: "); scanf("%d",&radius); /* Area of circle */ area = PI * radius * radius; printf("\nArea of circle is : %f ",area); return(0); }Output:
Enter radius of a circle: 3
Area of circle is : 28.260001
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