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C Program to Find the Length of a String without using Strlen

Write a c program to find length of a string without using strlen() function.  In this programming questions, we have to write a code to find the length of a string.

We can easily find the length of string using inbuilt strlen() function. Let's first find the length of a string using strlen() function.

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C Program to Find the Length of a String using Strlen

In this programming example, we first take an input string from a user and then we print the length of a string using an inbuilt strlen() function.


int main() {
   char str[100];
   //Input string
   printf("Enter a string \n");
   //Print the length of a string
   printf("\n String length is %d", strlen(str));
   return 0;

How to Find the Length of a String without using Strlen

In C, Every String is terminated with Null Character ('\0'). We can use this concept to traverse a string until null character is encountered.   Once the null character is encountered we terminate the loop and print a count.

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C Program to Find the Length of a String without using Strlen

C Program to Find the Length of a String without using Strlen

In the above example, we have written a code to print the length of a string using strlen(). In this example, we print the length of a string using while loop.


int main() {
  char str[100];
  int count=0;
  printf("Enter a string \n");
  /* Run a loop until null('\0')
    character is encountered. */

    /* Increment count. */
  printf("\n String length is %d", count);
  return 0;

Programming questions on strings

Find Length of String using For Loop


int main() {
 char str[100];
 int i;
 printf("Enter string \n");
 printf("\n String length is %d", i);
 return 0;


Enter a string    cprogrammingcode

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