Assume you have a linked list
Input - 1->4->5->6
Output - 6->5->4->1
In Input head points to a node whose value is 1 and the address node which contains 6 point to NULL.
In Output things are just reversed head point to node whose value is 6 and node which has value 1 points to NULL.
Input - 1->4->5->6
Output - 6->5->4->1
In Input head points to a node whose value is 1 and the address node which contains 6 point to NULL.
In Output things are just reversed head point to node whose value is 6 and node which has value 1 points to NULL.
Algorithm to Reverse a Linked List
1. First we need to traverse a linked list.
2. Reverse a links means the address node points to next node to prev, prev to current and current to next.
Program to Reverse a Linked List
#include <stdio.h> struct node{ int data; struct node* next; }; struct node* head; void insert_node(int data){ struct node* newnode=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node*)); newnode->data = data; newnode->next = head; head = newnode; } void reverse_node(){ struct node *prev,*next,*current; current = head; while(current!=NULL){ next = current->next; current->next = prev; prev = current; current=next; } head = prev; } void print(){ struct node* p; p = head; while(p!=NULL){ printf("%d\n",p->data); p=p->next; } printf("\n"); }
Void main() { head = NULL;
insert_node(6); insert_node(5); insert_node(4); insert_node(1); print(); reverse_node(); print(); }
Problem on Linked List
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