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Write a C++ Program to insert a node at the tail of a linked list

C++ Program to insert a node at the tail of a linked list

Logic of Program

1. If no node is inserted, insert the element at the beginning,

2. If head is not null, then traverse the linked list and insert the node at the end.


using namespace std;

struct Node
 int data;
 Node *next;

Node* Insert(Node *head,int data)
    Node *p,*tmp;
    Node* temp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));

    temp->data = data;
    // If head is NULL, means first element
    if(head == NULL){

       temp->next = NULL;
       head = temp;

    } else {
         p =head;

        // Traverse the linked list and insert at the end

          p = p->next;

        // Last link point to inserted element
        p->next = temp;
        temp->next = NULL;
    return head;

void Print(Node *head)
 Node *temp = head;
 while(temp!= NULL)
         { cout<<temp->data<<"\n";
           temp = temp->next;

int main()
 Node *head = NULL;
 head = Insert(head,3);
 head = Insert(head,5);
 head = Insert(head,2);
 head = Insert(head,7);

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